Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Busy day

Buffalo.com photo by Elizabeth Wagner.

It's been a busy day today. Meetings, lots of site work, so on and so forth. It's not even 4 PM and I am starting to feel kind of worn out, which is not good, because I have a bunch of stuff to do after work, too.

Just a note: Deanna and I will be out of the office for a good hunk of the day tomorrow. We are going to St. Bonaventure University to watch the students work on the IMportant People live blog, a project that we've outsourced to the students as a semester-long project. Call me at 390-2715 with any questions, but I am not sure how much email access I will have during the day.

Which reminds me...if you are near a computer tomorrow between noon and 1 PM, be sure to head over to Buffalo.com and check out our IMportant People live blog with presidential historian Phillip Payne. Bring all those burning questions about Martin Van Buren and Chester A. Arthur you've been dying to have answered!

Seriously, though, it would be great if you logged on and sent in a question or comment.

Thank you to anyone/everyone who's posted a pic in the Puppy Love contest so far...traffic and postings have been good. Special thanks to Marc Wierzbowski, who posted a number of really touching pics earlier this afternoon. If you haven't shared a pet pic yet...make sure you post a few to Puppy Love. I need to get my cats up on there, so I need to get on the ball, myself.

Oh - there is also a Love Poem contest at Buffalo.com/YourHub. The grand prize is pretty sweet - dinner for two and a night at the Millenium Hotel. Tres swank, yes? Share your purple prose for a shot at a lovely evening.

if you have any questions...let Deanna or me know.

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