Buffalo.com photo by crspwr.
Thank you to everyone who responded to my email request regarding the t-shirt. The results were quite interesting (see below...and please don't be offended by the "Old" categorization, because I fall into that category, too). The "Walking Buffalo" won't necessarily be around forever, but it will probably be a part of the first campaign...and then we'll change things up after a couple months.
Have a great weekend!
“Young” (30 & under)
Yes: 10
No: 6
Yes, with qualifications: 3
“its great!”
“I think it is a pretty cool design”
“No...I dont get the whole red circle? I can see the Buffalo on the leash... but it is missing something. It may need some wording.”
“Its kind of neat.....looks a little like a street sign......from the front you have no idea what it really means without the web address......the phrase "Where Buffalo Roams...Online!" is a little contradicting to the buffalo being on a leash not really "roaming".......But I like it enough to wear it :O)”
“I don’t like the front….but I do LOVE the back…maybe put the front design in a much smaller size on the back near the neck (top middle) make the front more artsy”
“No, I'm pretty confident I wouldn't. My reasoning is simple. The slogan "where Buffalo roam...online!" doesn't exactly ring true to me when someone is leading the Buffalo around in a noose. Now if the Buffalo was leading a group of folks, it might be more appealing to me. I'm not real keen on the red over black design either, but that's just me. A little color would show off the true "Buffalo.com" in a more exciting and vibrant way.”
“The front - yes The back – no”
“Yes, I like the design. :)”
“No. makes me think of hunting. Target etc. I think there are some other directions to go with this, if you would like help with some designs let me know.”
“That's great!”
“I like it I think people would try and look more into and would attract them to ask questions and learn more about Buffalo.com”
“yes I would wear it . IT MUST BE BIG FOR ME XXXL !!!!!”
“No. I don't get the sort-of-but-not really "no x" (as in no smoking) symbol on the front. I don't like people looking at words on or near my ass. I want them (women specifically) looking *at* my ass.”
“Old” (Over 30)
Yes: 4
No: 8
Yes, with qualifications: 6
“First thought off the top is that it's a little vague. I almost expect there to be a red bar through the circle, to conote something you're not supposed to do. If you want a YES or NO response, I'd have to say NO. If the buffalo were a little more buff looking, more action-packed looking, or if its relation to the city of Buffalo was more obvious, I might go for it. The logo on the back doesn't bother me, and I would have no problem with it being on the front.”
“possibly. That probably was not the answer you were looking for.”
“why don't i get it :o( its cute, but i don't get the drift of it.”
“I’d wear it, but I don’t particularly like the logo. Maybe if the logo was smaller and up by a pocket I would more appreciate the design of the T-shirt”
“No. I understand the concept of the leash equating to "MY" buffalo however, it demeans the beast.”
“On side B in my opinion, I would move the mybuffalo.com up more to the shoulder area because I sometimes tuck my shirts in. Other than that I would wear it.”
“I was not thrilled with the design, no offense to the creator. Just and idea would be, keep the Buffalo and just put the word MY above it.”
“I would wear the shirt but honestly I don't think the message is very clear. How about a buffalo with photos on it in a spotted effect. and it could be My Spotted Buffalo. The photos would be the spots. We could then get some of those buffalos that have been around WNY for the last few years and place them at different locations to get the two ideas in one thought. When some one sees a buffalo they would think of MYSPOTTEDBUFFALO.com. I think it would be easier to remember than buffalo.com/spotted I am always getting people that can't remember the site name.”
“I don't like the red circle, it looks too much like the "no" symbol. I think w/out the red circle it is very cool. Either way, I would wear it cause it's to promote the site.”
“wear that specific T-shirt? no. but wear something along those lines with someone 'walking' a Buffalo? absolutely... i think its a clever idea - cant quite put my finger on it with this shirt - something about the interaction between the buffalo, the leash and the person - its a little tough to figure out what exactly is happening... and the big red ring looks like it should have a slash through it - as though you were going to negate what was inside the circle....”
“Love IT!”
“NO!!If it was a real person and Buffalo then Yes!!”