Monday, July 6, 2009 musings video by Bill Parker.

I just posted the videos above and below from MyBuffalo. It took me about 30 seconds. It is amazing how easy some of the tools are to use at MyBuffalo...and they are available to everyone - you, me, the guy next door.

I feel like that is something that me and Deanna need to work on. We need to educate people more about the new site. I feel like we are trying to jam the square peg of Spotted/YourHub into to round hole of MyBuffalo. I feel like we need to do more to explain what is available at the site, and show people how to do it.

Our traffic so far is OK - it's about the same as we had at Spotted. That is decent, but now it's time to start growing this thing. And as we grow, you are going to come along for the ride - more people will read your stories, see your photos, comment on your media, make your acquaintance. I know that I want a lot more people seeing my photos and videos and blogs - I know you do, too.

I am completely open to suggestions that you may have. What does MyBuffalo need? What do you like about it? What do you hate about it? How would you change it? What confuses you? What would you want the world to know?

If you're reading this, you're a "power user." You're a regular at MyBuffalo. You were probably at Spotted and YourHub a lot, too. You have opinions and ideas...share them, and help us make you a better Web site.


Erica M said...

I think I read somewhere that you will have "most recent sets"? I know this is trying to be different, but the best part of the old photo section was where you could click on an event and find the entire group of pics. I don't find myself flipping through dozens of pics to find what I'm looking for. At the last event I went to (Ruben's Run) one person commented that he didn't like the changes, he found it hard to find what he was looking for.

djruggiero said...

This is the same feedback I am receiving also. "It is not as easy to navigate the "set" It's not like the old way. This is the feedback I here. Also where are the old photos? is an other I here. I tell them to be patient it will be all reloaded.

Ben said...

We got a lot of complaints that people didn't like the old Spotted way photos were presented - having to click through a gallery that would always relaod to the ad at the top of the page...and now people don't like the sets, either? I thought the slide-show functionality and gallery replication on the sets were pretty cool, personally.

Did you see the slide-show on the sets, Erica? Or when you click on the link for a set, it shows you thumbnails of the media inside the set? That is similar to the way it used to be...maybe we can make the thumbnails larger and it would be easier to scan through it.

Interesting...I am glad to get the feedback. Definitely want to improve the site...

Dan - we are going to make the 2007-2008 photos available asap. I know that is a crappy response. I am going to do a full blog response on check the actual blog. There are definite issues that need to be addressed.

Thanks Erica and Dan! Anyone else? Let's keep the conversation rolling!

Erica M said...

Once you find the set you want, all is good. The hard part is finding the set. The old way you would have the most recent events and if it was in the past two weeks or so it was very easy to find. This is the problem I am having. The way it is now, we only have the most recent PHOTOS, so if someone uploads 30 photos you are digging and digging. Right now there are 53,181 photos and if I just want to browse, no way I'm going through them all. That is why I liked an event gallery...I know tagging is good, but some people just don't get it.