Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creative gala, new cards, uploader update and The Square

 photo by Ben Kirst.

A few quick notes -

1.) We FINALLY have new cards. I'm going to start mailing them out later today. Let me know if you want to pick them up from me directly.

2.) The folks at Camp Good Days have specifically requested a photographer for their Creative Gala at The Hyatt in downtown Buffalo on Saturday night. The theme is Star Wars. Although it is a black-tie event, there will be folks in costume, and you personally will not be required to wear a tux or an evening gown - although if you go, please dress appropriately (business style). This is a great cause, these people are good sports and they like getting their pictures please feel free to volunteer if this seems interesting or important to you. They'd love the coverage.

3.) An update on the bulk uploader: well, there are a couple things holding it back right now. First of all, we're abler to make it work on our network and some outside networks...but not all outside networks. Obviously, that is a problem.

Second, we want to make sure all of the proper functionality is built into the uploader because it doesn't make much sense to release it to you incomplete.

Anyhow, I believe that is all...just a reminder that we will be at The Square tonight, rain or shine, and all are welcome to come hang out and help us with photos, contests, handing stuff out, etc.

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